Thursday, July 1, 2010


when we sleep our mind often drift to a place beyond our conscious mind. what is the meaning behind every dream we had.i had no clue or what so ever... my dreams often leave me in wonder.. recent one that i had make me question myself, whether or not i had let go and let things of the past stay in the past. i dream of my high school crush turning into a vampire?!.... then i dream of my best guy friend as my lover?.. it doesn't makes sense... i dream of a fight, choose between A or B and i know what the decision are before i wake up.. they say dream often reflect what you usually feel inside.. so tell me please what does my dreams meant? make note that all three dream that i had did not shared the same feeling.. solid anger, confusion, compassion, fear, and love are all mixed up...maybe it was just a dream...


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